26 July 2007

15 ideas for mLearning projects

These are some things that have already been done. I don't post these here as suggestions of what you could do but to give you some ideas that you could adapt:


  1. Students have to carry out scientific enquiry in the context of their discovering and exploring of an environment. Pairs of 11-12 year olds explored a woodland and were presented at certain times with different forms of digital augmentations.
  2. Students can send SMS that appears on lecturers laptop during the class. They can anonymously ask questions without interrupting the class. The lecturer can choose to respond immediately or wait until a number of questions arise. SMS are available after class.
  3. Players use GPStracked handheld computers to experience a virtual savannah that appears to be overlaid on a football pitch sized grassy field. Players act collaboratively to carry out a series of lion missions (such as marking their territory, hiding their cubs and hunting). Aim of the game is to encourage players to understand the behaviour of lions though personal experience
  4. Students in a economics course could acess course mateiral (slides, PDF) and contribute on the discusstion board.
  5. Composition students were asked to compose and perform music on PDAs. PDAs are equipped with MIDI module and portable keyboard.
  6. Evaluate to what extent and how a PDA can help students learning. PDAs are issued for the project time with the aim of collectiing application log data. Learn more about how students use PDAs.
  7. The project aims to test "just-in-time" access to knowledge on mobile terminals for medical students. Especially when they are practicing in medical institutions.
  8. Medical practitioners on ward are equiped with PDAs to build a portfolio of evidence. A detailed evidence of clinical activities, prior learning comopetencies, course materials, certificates. Furthermore they get acess to learning resources, clinical guidelines and a learning diary.
  9. Informatics students were required to develop and eavluate their own interactive learning experiences in collaboration with fellow students. PDAs with internet functionality were lent to them to consider as their own.
  10. Course materials were distriubted in e-book format. Followed by an investigation how students use these learning materials.
  11. A collaborative treasure hunt game that requires co-ordination between spatially seperated team-members. The teams have to visit locations in an urban area to collect symbols in order to complete tasks.
  12. A collaborative problem solving application that attempts to support learners in constructing their own understanding of tshare their decisions with fellows.
  13. A application for percussion composition, allows users to create, manipulate, edit and save original pieces of percussion music through an intuitive interface.
  14. Children collect with scientific data on spot. Devices can collect data and communicate with sensors that are in the field while also providing instant feedback through on the spot data analysis.
  15. This project supports the participants in expressing their thoughts through a digital narrative. While the overall process is similar to other digital film projects, the tools used are different. The learners shoot all of their footage and record their soundtrack on smartphones. In addition, the smartphones allow the participants to make their multimedia available to collaborators by sending the images and sound via the multimedia messaging service (MMS) to a blog.

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